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Mountnorris Primary School, Mountnorris, Armagh


2023/2024 School Year

3rd Jun 2024
Today we wore red to school to raise money for the charity Children’s Heartbeat...
22nd May 2024
Today, two lifeguards from the RNLI came to visit. They told us all about what they...
17th May 2024
We have a been watching the growth of our caterpillars over the past few weeks and...
17th May 2024
We took Numeracy outside today and we all had great fun! The P5 children had a task...
16th May 2024
P7 have been learning about natural disasters in World Around Us. As part of this...
15th May 2024
We all drew a still life image and assembled together to enter a competition organised...
3rd May 2024
As part of our 'Rescue at Sea' World Around Us topic, we have been looking at boats...
23rd Apr 2024
The bit of sunshine we experienced recently encouraged us to get out and about. P6...
16th Apr 2024
Congratulations to our P2&P3 pupils who received their CR hockey certificates....