Access Keys:

Mountnorris Primary School, Mountnorris, Armagh


As Principal of Mountnorris Primary School, I wish to extend a whole-hearted welcome to you as you visit our newly, re-vamped school website. I really do hope that our site gives you a real-time overview of our school and all of the wonderful components which make it up!

Mountnorris Primary is a thriving school set in immaculate grounds on the periphery of Mountnorris village. As a rural school, Mountnorris Primary serves the community as the heart and soul of country life and in September 2023 we had the highest enrolment in the school's history, with 113 pupils starting or returning to school.

Our school building comprises of five Classrooms, an outdoor SEN room, Staff Room, Principal's Office, Secretary's Office, Canteen and Assembly Hall. Outside we have a staff car park, a one way system for parents to collect children safely, two playgrounds and a large amount of green space. In June 2020 we were pleased to 'sign off' on a completed refurbishment of all of our children's toilet blocks.

Our teaching staff consists of a Principal, four full time teachers and a Principal release teacher, two days per week. In addition to this, we have a number of Classroom Assistants who form an integral part of the teaching and learning in our classrooms.

Our school proudly boasts a strong Christian ethos and has strong links with Mountnorris Presbyterian Church and Loughgilly Parish.

At Mountnorris, we believe in helping children realise and reach their potential in all aspects of their growth and learning through activities both inside and outside of the classroom environment. We believe in the intellectual, spiritual, physical and emotional development of all our children as they blossom into young adults.

We love our school and we hope that you get a flavour of that as you visit!


Mission Statement, Ethos & Vision


Latest News

19th Mar 2025
As the old saying goes “Sow your potatoes on the 17th March - harvest them...
5th Mar 2025
Today we give out a few prizes to those who returned the best kept climate change...
5th Mar 2025
The quality of the work was so good we decided to give some prizes to some very good...

Promotional Video


Latest Photographs


Upcoming Events...

Tuesday, 1st April 2025
Autism Awareness Assembly
Wednesday, 2nd April 2025
Lion King Musical (Morning & Evening Performance)
Thursday, 3rd April 2025
Lion King Musical (Evening Performance Only)